Peace message videos from our peace community.
Poet, DJ extraordinaire
.Environmentalist, builds Peace communities.
.Peace poet, Fireman.
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Peace is an abstract term that, due to that distinction, is often not recognized as being real. To some, to feel peace is real is unrealistic. Passion is pursuing the thing that drives you. One aspect of Peace is embracing, unquestionably, that your passion is possible. The scale of that possibility is not the determining factor of success. These peace community leaders share their insights on our peace show..
The Process
Awakening inner-peace awareness is the theme of this organization. We exist to be of service, to assist with the recognition of inner-peace residing in everyone; all the time; waiting to be acknowledged. It is not dependent upon belief for effectiveness. Acceptance and trust are key factors for allowing this gift that waits within to be consciously recognized.
Life is full of beauty, there are many walking in alignment with Earth on a path of raising consciousness. Let's explore and embrace our opportunity of possibilities, together.
Join us and view our
Peace, Perspective & Poetry show. Show dates are inconsistent because acquiring guest is a delicate process that takes time. Would you like to be a guest, or know someone to recommend? Contact us and we will take next steps.
Peace, Perspective & poetry is for
gathering and talking, from a human perspective.
We can speak differently than what the mainstream media feels is the norm.
Let's create a narrative that makes us feel good.
Let's choose to alter the current paradigm... Join us!!
To be announced
The Creators Gift 137.
Recognize the boundlessness of life and embrace that your existence is part of a immensely larger scheme.
Thank you for being who you are in the world! Enjoy our peace show!
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